The Executive Committee manages the affairs of the Queen’s College Association. Its responsibility is to further the objectives of the Association and uphold its constitution. The following officers were elected to the Executive Committee on January 29, 2022, to serve for two (2) years:
Carl Applewhaite Jr.

Carl Applewhaite Jr. is a proud product of Queen’s College (1987 -1994) and alumnus of the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill. While at U.W.I., where he pursued a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in English. After working as a Human Resources Practitioner at the island’s leading airline handling company for three years, he transferred into the public sector where he taught at Queen’s College for two years. In 2017, he transferred to Harrison College and subsequently completed a Diploma in Education, a Certificate in Educational Management and Administration and the Master of Education (Social Context and Policy) from the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill.
Mr. Applewhaite sees the potential for students to succeed within the international arena, and views the QCA as an opportunity to give back to the School in an effort it to enhance its contribution to national development. To this end, he encourages all alumni to give careful thought to those on whose shoulders we stand, celebrate them, while creating pathways for other to follow.
The functions of the President are to:
- preside at General Meetings and at meetings of the Executive Committee
- enforce strict observance of the Constitution
- sign all relevant documents on behalf of the Association
- perform such other relevant duties as required by the general body or Executive Committee
- be spokesperson for the Association on matters of policy
Marcia Oxley
Marcia Oxley is a tutor and Head of Department at the Barbados Community College (BCC).
The functions of the Vice President are to:
- assist the President in the performance of his or her functions
- perform, in the absence of the President, the functions of the President
Amanda Forde
Amanda Forde is an Attorney-at-Law.
The functions of the Hon. Secretary are to:
- give the necessary notice of meetings
- conduct the correspondence of the Association
- keep full and correct minutes of proceedings at meetings
- keep a register of current members
- keep the books and documents of the Association
- make books in his or her charge available for inspection by financial members on request
Jameson Lashley
Jameson Lashley is an Auditor.
The functions of the Hon. Treasurer are to:
- receive and be responsible for monies receivable by the Association
- keep the accounts of the Association
- make books in his or her charge available for inspection by financial members on request
Sheryl Bishop
Sheryl Bishop is an Accounts Clerk.
The functions of the Assistant Secretary/Treasurer are to:
- assist the Secretary and/or Treasurer in the performance of his or her functions;
- perform, in the absence of the Secretary or the Treasurer, the functions of the Secretary or the Treasurer
Richel Bowen
Richel Bowen is an Attorney-at-Law
The functions of the Public Relations Officer are to:
- disseminate information to the general public and membership about activities of the Association via communication with all sections of the media

Heather Harewood
Heather is a medical doctor with specialization in Public Health. She is currently a lecturer in Public Health and Epidemiology at the UWI Cave Hill. Her areas of interest include maternal and child health. Heather is married with two children, one a recent graduate of Queen’s College and the other currently attending QC. She is pleased to serve on the QCA Executive Committee, as it allows her to purposefully “give back” to the alma mater.
Jared Richards

Jared Kristin Richards Attorney-at-Law, is 33 years of age. He completed his course of study at the Queen’s College Secondary in 2006 and graduated from the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus in 2009 with a Bachelor of Laws Degree with Honours. He then read for his Certificate in Legal Education at the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad and, upon his return to Barbados, entered into private practice under the guidance of the now Honourable Cicely P. Chase Q.C. Judge of the High Court; another Queen’s College alumnus. During this time he also briefly taught the Law programme at Queen’s College as a substitute. After four years in a colourful and diverse private practice Jared moved to public service in the Solicitor General’s Chambers where he currently holds the post of Senior Crown Counsel. He has been an acting Magistrate and has a passion for the development of the young and protection of the elderly in the community.
Erica Hinkson

Erica Hinkson is the Marketing Manager for DataLore Inc., a Barbadian book company with regional subsidiaries: Book Source, Chattel House Books, and Caribbean Shared Educational Resources Service. With ten years of marketing experience, she is also the Marketing Executive for Seen Outdoor Advertising, and a Marketing Consultant for the Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES). Erica also facilitates a course for entrepreneurs entitled “Marketing Your Small Business” for the Barbados Trust Fund Limited.
Erica started her own marketing consultancy a few years ago, catering to small, medium and large businesses. She is completing her Masters in Marketing at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill School of Graduate Studies & Research, subsequent to returning from a three month marketing internship with West Indies Rum Distillery in Chicago.
A passionate Queen’s College alumnus, she hopes her role on the QC Association board will make an impact on the financial and mental wellbeing of current students, and other alumni.
She is the proud mother of two-year-old Sydney.
John Parris
John Parris is an Aviation professional with over 25 years’ experience and holds the title of Unit Chief – Air Traffic Services at the Grantley Adams International Airport.
He attended Queen’s College from 1986-1993 and was a very active student athlete. He represented QC in Table Tennis, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, Cricket and Track & Field. He was invited to trials to represent Barbados in Hockey and Cricket. He also was part of the winning QC 4x100m relay team that once held the record at the Barbados Secondary Schools Athletics Championships.
John’s previous achievements include Vice-Chairman of the NUPW Youth League and President of the Barbados Air Traffic Control Association. At present, John is a very proud volunteer with the Precious Touch Foundation Inc, a non-profit charitable organisation that grants wishes to children who suffer from life threatening illnesses. He is a Certified Personal Trainer and is also the 2nd Vice-President of the NUPW Executive.
John is an extremely proud QC alumnus and hopes to contribute in any way possible to Queen’s College and by extension, the Queen’s College Association.
Michelle Daniel
Michelle has spent the majority of her professional life in the financial services sector, working with both the former Barclays Bank PLC and FirstCaribbean International Bank Limited (now CIBC FirstCaribbean) contributing to the Lending, Marketing & Business Development, Human Resources and Small Business areas. Subsequently, she spent approximately 5 years with the Inter-American Development Bank at its Barbados Country Office. At present, Michelle is CEO of the Barbados Heart and Stroke Foundation.
The Sub-Committees
- Fundraising
- Membership
- Publicity & Social Media
- Elsie Payne Memorial Lecture & Awards
- QC Giving